Beach Beauty

2015-05-25 15.03.07Yesterday I went with family to an event at the beach. It had been a while since I was last there and I actually felt at peace. Sound a bit odd? Well in actuality most of the time we are busy bodies. We tend to keep ourselves active in something and we don’t tend to relax outdoors. Taking a stroll during the festival and coming to the pier was very nice. Walking through the neighborhood was even more relaxing. Being in the area was inspiring to me. I actually just wanted to sit and draw for hours despite the wind kicking up and trying to blow us away. The homes are all different and inspired by different locations around the world. Some even letting their imagination run around. Due to privacy and respect I will not be showing these homes here. The Festival at the beach was also an inspiration as well seeing local artists and distant ones coming together to sell their works and share their knowledge with people like me who want to make it on our own feet.

Of course after being in the festivities and taking such a long walk we needed a break so we walked along the pier. The water was clear and beautiful. We were even able to see schools of fish and that is rare to see far out along the pier. Many were out fishing, speed boating, and sailing. But I must say the scene that captured me completely was the sailboats on the glistening water. Once all the overcast burned away and we were left with clear blue skies it made the day and moods of everyone beautiful and uplifting. Thanks to this I feel I have been reinvigorated thanks to nature and the community showing support, love and beauty. Now to look for that sketchbook and begin anew!