Virtual Relaxation the Pangya Way

For some people golf is a very relaxing sport. Going out of their way to pay top notch for the best clubs out in the market. The hunt for the best course that can not only meet your visual approval but also get your energy going for a challenge. Now for me miniature golf was my past time growing up along with the arcade. (Malibu Castle) I may not be a fan of the real golf scene too much but I am one for Fantasy Golf Pangya!

Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable – Opening

This particular Version I have is Portable for the PSP. When I first got the title I was unsure how I would feel about it since it is a golf game. As I played I fell in love with nearly everything about it. A major aspect of the game that has impacted me was not just the visuals and lovable characters, It was the music! For each area there was music that captured the moment of the course. Drive!, used in Blue Lagoon & Pink Wind Maps, is one of my favorite songs. In the Pink Wind it fits very well with the green/autumn area and the blossoms blow in the winds. Try playing in the 9-12 mile winds the song really feels fitting.

Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable – Drive!

Much like golf you have to cycle through your clubs for your drive to get to the hole. Take into account your environments and the wind factor. But with Pangya we also have boosters to help us in these environments that aren’t too friendly. You can buy a Silent Wind Booster to silence the wind for your current turn. Maybe you need to boost your drive so buy a Power Milk! Is the bar moving too fast to read and get your perfect Pangya shot? Use a Generic or Duostar Nerve Stabilizer to slow the bar’s movement down. So many things to aide you to become the ultimate Pangya Master.

I don’t recall the reasoning on why I picked this particular game to play yesterday when it was too hot to draw but I figured my subconscious needed a creative spark. Not only is this games storyline very engaging and funny but all characters you unlock are customizable. As you play you gain a currency called Pang. You use Pang to buy costumes for the characters, different clubs, Aztec Balls and the Aides to help your game play smoother. When you purchase in the shops you gain a sticker to a Papel Card. It is the only way to unlocking your flying caddy. Papels each have a stat as well and come in many different designs.

I was playing, unlocking and purchasing so much in the game yesterday I was on for hours and didn’t even know it. This did give me a creative boost so now I am just hoping it is not as humid today so I can draw something. If you enjoy Golfing of any sort and would love to unlock items and meet a hilarious cast of characters to play as then give Pangya a Swing!   

The Art of the Blank Wall

From the Artist deep within to the writer looking at the screen we all have the Blank Wall come up. For some of us it more often than others. Sometimes we know we need to get things done and it is there stretching both ways for what seems like miles. Regardless of when it comes it gives us all the same feeling and we all ask the same question, “Why am I stuck?!” I had this issue all day yesterday but I managed to do a process to bring out an idea. How you ask? Well let me share some tips on things you never would have thought could help.

Peacock Banner WordPressFirst you have to have a theme or a word on what you want to convey in your expression. Sometimes it comes to us in an instant and at other times it takes hours sometimes days before we have anything come to mind. Take a good look at my peacock image. If you notice the white he is incomplete. This digital concept image I have been working on and off for a while. If you have any drafts or in progress folders then go through them. Sometimes a draft or former concept can help trigger a mood or stimulate your mind to crank out ideas.

Colorful SurfOkay so if the drafts or the former concepts then try looking through your online social pages for complete images. Go through galleries based on a similar mood. With Goji here I wanted a summer theme and typed in summer in Deviant Art. After pages of surfing the web the concept of surfing came to mind. Looking at your own gallery or even someone elses can help you come up with ideas not just for your current concept but even for your future concepts. A nice key of support to the piece that helped you: Like, Fave, Comment, Etc. Keep the encouragement coming because this artist may help you again in the future.

SAMSUNGNow I know this may seem like an odd concept but if images of your common expression isn’t inspiring you to get your current piece on the role try crafts. If you work on crafts try even doing a little bit for a while. Swashes can be saved for an idea later. My recent project I finished is a Gift and color is something I always want in my pieces. This inspired me to have Goji paint on a giant platinum koi. If needlework isn’t your thing try sculpture, paper crafts, woodwork, or metal work. There are many types out there to search of so give it a shot.

zenMountains Depending on your project it can really rattle our brains for a long time. Sometimes too long and it gives us headaches or slightly irritate us. If your mind ever reaches that point relax and take a break. For many people meditation away from the work space can help. Take a walk around the block or head to a park. Try relaxing to calm your mind it may actually help. It can be a bubble bath, massage, or even aromatherapy. A relaxed mind can help you think better so give it a shot if the others aren’t working for you.

TwistedFate_7Lets say you have tried many options for inspiration but this blank wall is not budging. Maybe you have a scribble on this massive wall but it is not noticeable unless you are close. I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but video games can help. It is another form of art in motion which involves many forms of expression. Writing, Conceptual Art, Music, Environments, etc. I play games constantly and mostly Fighting and MMORPG’s. Games can help provide moods, ideas, color palettes, even transitions, movements, and dynamic poses/actions. This image of Twisted Fate from League of Legends actually helped me set the “Dark” mood for my next piece I am currently working on now. It can be a small game or even a children’s game. Remember it is stimulation that you are seeking so be open to many options.


If you are not into gaming but you enjoy movies or TV shows then watch a movie you enjoy but see it through different eyes. Pay attention to the details like lighting, environment, mood, body language. Break down your favorite series and notice the storytelling and how the actors go through each scene. Breaking down can help you not only see through a director’s eyes but from the artistic view we can see things many don’t see. The environment and lighting may actually help you with your current piece on how to convey the scene more or make give you a different pose that may read better compared to your 30 drafts from earlier. Pause your movie/show and look around strike expressions or poses. Imagine an empty set without the actors. This is for inspiration and stimulation. Keep this in mind as you continue drafting until you have your AHA! moment.

trax_1 By now you have tried everything you could think of and you thought you had covered all bases. One that I use the most is Music. If you listen to mostly Hip-hop or R&B try something different. Do Classical or Soundtracks even go through International Music. Many people don’t try to expand their horizons. Music, despite being in another language, still conveys emotion and sends a message. You may not understand it but you feel it and that still triggers an emotion out of you. I listen to K-Pop to help me trigger a certain mood. J-rock for character emotions. I will go as far as to type in an instrument in Last.FM and listen to something new which helps me add it to my library for later usage. Music is on of our biggest influences and many people don’t really notice it too much.

Music impacts our lives everyday almost all day. From the tunes on the radio to the orchestrated piece through the movie theater. Setting the mood for the scene and taking into account the environment and subtle lighting effects help set an emotion in your heart. Despite the actor being real or computer generated the games convey the same aspect. We are in the story running through their world and seeing through their eyes as we try to help them succeed in their story. The calming music in the game playing through your speakers help you relax a little. Maybe you bought the track and now you play it as you walk around the park relaxing your mind so you can work on your piece. Sitting on a park bench and you notice the stone work used for it. It is functional art and yet you see it as inspiration. You are on track to getting things to work out in you mind. Returning home you go through your drafts and now after a process you have come up with an idea and different views in order to get your current piece rolling.

Regardless of how you go about it the basics are as follows: Blank wall + you = Blockage. But Different Views + Inspiration + Drafts = AHA! When we are blocked we are seeking inspiration, enlightenment, vision, whatever you want to call it we have to build blocks of inspiration. Think outside the box is the normal statement. I say walk outside the box and just stroll. Go through the least thought of things that you never would try to use as an inspiration. It is everywhere around us. From the coffee mug you use in the morning which is functional art. The pictures in a gallery are art and the book you have by your bed? Art as well. From the fancy diner plates to the play held at your city performance center. We have inspiration all around us. Still stuck? Then why aren’t you looking? I have and I see a world without a blank wall.



Welcome to the We Heart Art Blog. I am an artist willing to make new friends and introduce people to the Boundless World of Color! Here you will view my portfolio, meet new people, find gaming information, and updates on my personal projects! Thank you to all who come to view my page and a big thank you to those that follow me. Stick around for a new look and updates!